参考文献:MS - The Practical Art, LCGC
- Incipient Technologies: Desorption and Thermal Desorption Techniques, Vol.25, No.10 December 2007
- 文献要点:介绍并比较DESI、DART和ASAP等技术,并实事求是地评估了这些技术的应用。
- Alternatives in the Face of Chemical Diversity, Vol.25, No.4, April 2007
- 文献要点:探讨将GC和其他相对非典型的技术应用于为大气压工作环境而设计的当代仪器前景如何。
- Ionization Revisited, Vol.24, No.12, December 2006
- 文献要点:概述当下常用的主要电离技术(附有参考文献)。
- Balogh, M.P., The Commercialization of LC-MS During 1987–1997: A Review of Ten Successful Years, LC/GC, Vol.16 no 2 135-144, February 1998.
- Van Berkel, G.J., Pasilis, S. P., Ovchinnikova, O., Established and emerging atmospheric pressure surface sampling/ionization techniques for mass spectrometry, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Vol.43, no.9, 1161–1180 2008
- Knox, J.H., Practical Aspects of LC Theory, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 15, (1977) 357