
The role of food testing laboratories has never been more critical. Safety and quality are of major concern to consumers, governments, and food producers.  These groups face a variety of challenges, including a growing number of food contaminants, more stringent regulations, protection of trade markets, preservation of brand image, and increased competition.

Waters is a leader in developing food testing systems that integrate column & sample prep chemistries, analytical instrumentation and data management software. Waters comprehensive solutions enable food laboratories to identify diverse chemical compounds, meet compliance requirements, decrease operation costs, increase productivity, and, most importantly, help ensure public safety.

Beverage Testing Solutions The global beverage industry is an innovative, growing sector which adapts to meet consumer demands and tastes. Waters is a trusted partner to the beverage industry, providing technologies to meet your laboratories’ analytical and regulatory needs.
Cannabis and Hemp Testing Solutions The cannabis market is changing rapidly and has led to calls for more rigorous safety and quality control testing to prevent harm from the use of cannabis products.
Natural Toxins Waters offers a portfolio of highly innovative technologies for the detection and quantification of mycotoxins and marine biotoxins.
Pesticides in Food UPLC-MS/MS, UPLC-MS Tof and APGC-MS/MS, columns, sample prep, and data management software for the detection and identification of pesticides in food and beverages.
Pesticide Screening Application Solution with UNIFI Reliably report the presence and absence of pesticide residues, streamline workflows, and increase the speed of analysis of complex matrices.
Veterinary Drugs Waters provides column and sample prep, UPLC/MS/MS, and UPLC/MS Tof systems, Analytical Standards & Reagents, column & sample prepration products, and data management software for the detection of veterinary drug residues below regulatory limits.
Vitamins in Foods and Beverages Accurate and robust quantitation of vitamins in food and beverages.
Food & Environmental Applications Take an in-depth look at a range of documents that show you how you can separate isomers, get cleaner spectra and remove isobaric/matrix interferences with Waters Triwave technology.
Food QC Analytical systems for Food QC and nutritional testing. Applications include vitamins, carbohydrates and sugars, additives, proteins, edible oils, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, dyes and functional ingredients.
Food Profiling and Authenticity Waters provides effective solutions for the determination of food adulteration, authenticity, and origin.
Foodomics Waters UPLC-MS/MS and UPLC-QToF MS systems allow food researchers to better characterize food, identify components, and define nutritional properties with speed, efficiency and accuracy.
Food Research Waters technologies allow food researchers to better characterize foods, identifying components and defining functional properties with speed, efficiency and accuracy.
Food Safety Comprehensive food safety solutions for testing a broad range of food contaminants including pesticides, veterinary drugs, natural toxins, and PAHs.
Tobacco Analytical solutions for tobacco product research, raw materials testing, flavor analysis, regulatory reporting, and clinical studies.
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