Informatics Professional Services

Your Partner for Successful Growth

With over 94 offices in 50 countries, the Waters Informatics Professional Services team is a global network of certified professionals, scientists and engineers dedicated to ensuring the success of your organization.

We offer a comprehensive suite of consultative services, software applications and analytical business tools to help accelerate product adoption, improve laboratory effectiveness and manage resources.

Informatics Professional Services will provide the guidance, consultation, execution and training necessary for you to meet today’s challenges and to address tomorrow’s opportunities. 

As your services and support partner, we are committed to the success of your laboratory business.


Compliance Services Validation doesn't end at deployment. Once your system has been installed and configured, Waters can assist you with your Computer System Validation (CSV) needs and provide consultation to maintain compliance and alignment with regulatory guidances.
專案管理顧問服務 無論您正準備開始執行一個專案、結算一個現有專案,或升級、轉移到最新的Waters 實驗室資訊系統(Waters Laboratory Informatics)產品、企業軟體解決方案(Enterprise Software Solutions, ESS),Waters負責可靠的專案管理服務將幫助您的投資收益最大化。
教育訓練 Waters提供了一系列的教育訓練課程,增加員工的實驗室技能、協助整合新技術,並保證讓您的在Waters HPLC、UPLC和質譜系統的投資收益最大化。
資訊專業服務 沃特斯公司資訊暨軟體服務提供實驗室可擷取、組織及儲存等, 符合公司IT需求之科學資訊平台。
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