Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

Waters Time-of-flight MS systems, featuring QuanTof and MSE technologies, provide the highest UPLC-MS performance to meet the needs of challenging qualitative and quantitative applications.

Xevo G2-XS Tof 桌上型Tof質譜儀結合了 StepWave離子光學組件、XS Collision Cell和QuanTof技術,提供優異的穩固性、靈敏度和選擇性,產生最高品質、最全面的定性與定量資訊。
生物製藥專用BioAccord LC-MS系統 Waters BioAccord系統是一套整合系統,高效LC-MS生物製藥分析能夠簡化每一位使用者的作業流程。



Image The highest UPLC /MS/MS performance

Read the latest peer reviewed papers and find out how Waters Xevo Tof instruments give you superior performance.
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