

Oasis® 與Sep-Pak® 樣品前處理產品與Sirocco™蛋白質沈澱樣品盤,可以作簡單或複雜的樣品基質,生物或非生物的樣品,酸性、鹼性或中性分子樣品。


Oasis樣品萃取產品 藉由結合正確的吸附化學、裝置型式及方法理論,Oasis系列產品被設計成可簡化及增加您的樣品製備,達到穩定的固相萃取且不需擔心回收率
Sample Preparation Kits Streamline your workflow with Sample Preparation Kits, allowing you to achieve reproducible, sensitive, and standardized results.
Automation Solutions Waters Automation
Solid-Phase Extraction We offer wide variety of cost effective Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) products to ensure the highest sensitivity for your GC/MS, HPLC, and LC/MS analysis.
On-Line SPE Products Perform reproducible and ultra-fast on-line analysis of analytes using a wide choice of configurations, particle sizes, and sorbent chemistries.
Ostro Pass-through Sample Preparation Products 96-well plate for phospholipid removal in plasma and serum. Ostro’s simple protocol provides cleaner extracts and reproducible results.
PoraPak Rxn PoraPak™ Rxn 是與聚合物材料同族的層析分離產品,對有機合成反應有很好的分離作用,能有效地將目標產物同反應物以及反應溶劑進行分離,並且可以加快製備純化的分餾蒸發過程。
QuEChERS Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction Dispersive SPE, commonly referred to as "QuEChERS", is a simple and straightforward sample preparation technique suitable for multi-residue pesticide analysis in a wide variety of food and agricultural products.
SPE 固相萃取匣之配件 SPE 固相萃取匣之配件包含固相萃取槽、固相萃取輔助裝置、轉接頭、塑膠管路及接頭等。
Sep-Pak SPE Sep-Pak 產品是世界認定的,也是GC/MS、HPLC與LC/MS分析時,最多文獻報導的固相萃取產品。此項產品相對於固相萃取而言,不僅適用範圍廣且價格更合理。
Sirocco蛋白質沈澱樣品盤 Sirocco樣品盤是市場上最先進的蛋白質沈澱技術,並提供最佳效能,在自動與人工處理樣品上,節省許多時間。
Waters Positive Pressure-96 Processor Waters Positive Pressure-96 Processor offers state-of-the-art operation for moving liquids through SPE 96-well devices.



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