
身為世界一流的質譜儀製造商,沃特斯每天都在幫助成成千上萬的科學家迎接急待解決的科學研究挑戰和實驗室技術難題。配合沃特斯獨有的ACQUITY UPLC®系統--公認的最佳質譜進樣平臺,您將取得其他任何方法均無法得到的分析結果。

Single Quadrupole Mass Detection Waters innovative single quadrupole mass detectors are designed for robustness, to make access to mass spectral data easy for scientists with all levels of expertise.
Tandem Quadrupole ( Triple Quadrupole ) Mass Spectrometry Waters innovative tandem quadrupole MS technology is designed for quantitative UPLC®-MS/MS. Our philosophy centers on making high performance accessible, robust and reliable.
Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry Waters Time-of-flight MS systems, featuring QuanTof and MSE technologies, provide the highest UPLC-MS performance to meet the needs of challenging qualitative and quantitative applications.
Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry Waters Quadrupole Time-of-flight MS systems, featuring QuanTof, Fast DDA and MSE technologies, provide the highest UPLC-MS/MS performance to meet the needs of challenging qualitative and quantitative applications.
Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry The SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS, SYNAPT XS and Vion IMS systems all combine ion mobility separations with high resolution MS, significantly enhancing the information available.
Ion Sources Waters Universal Ion Source Architecture allows you to use the widest range of ionization techniques as well as the very latest innovations in ionization technologies
Direct Sample Analysis Waters Direct Sample Analysis technologies combine high performance mass spectrometry with innovative direct sampling tools
Key Technologies 創新功能,展現令人驚嘆的成果。我們的工程精簡設計理念,在於結合最優異的效能及多用途的系統與簡潔的操作。保證能發揮最高的系統效能及可用性,讓您順利成功。
Mass Spectrometry for Quantitation Quantitative mass spectrometry in an analytical process that answers the important question of 'How much is in my sample?'
MS教育全套實用教學組合 協助學生汲取質譜分析實務經驗,順利做好就業準備。



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Fundamentals of MS Videos What is Mass Spec?

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Q&A Dr. Gatean Glauser Neuchâtel University Selects SYNAPT XS For Plant Metabolomics

Dr. Gaétan Glauser, a senior scientist at Neuchâtel found the SYNAPT XS’s versatility and high performance to be a perfect match for the facility’s research.
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Introducing our new GC-MS/MS system, the Xevo TQ-GC

Learn more about our latest MS system, developed to withstand difficult matrix samples, and powerful enough to easily surpass regulatory limits, routinely.
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