ACQUITY UPC² 利用UltraPerformance Convergence Chromatography (極致效能合相層析法)拓展反相液相層析和傳統氣相分離的應用範圍,不僅為例行性分析提供了終極解決方案,而且明顯地簡化實驗室的工作流程。
ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS系統 運用ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS系統解決最複雜的科學難題。透過大幅度地縮小系統分散與提升分離效能以達高解析度,進一步可擴展研究應用廣度
ACQUITY UPLC M-Class系統 最可靠、效能最優異的奈米至微尺度儀器,可用於進行UPLC品質的分離作用,能夠讓所有進行LC/MS分析的實驗室運用更高的靈敏度。
ionKey/MS ionKey/MS系統將微流量UPLC分離直接整合至質譜儀離子源中。這帶來了無與倫比的LC-MS系統效能與靈敏度。
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS系統 ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS系統是UltraPerformance四元溶劑儀器的新一代產品,能夠提供超越所有四元溶劑LC系統的解析度。
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS Bio ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS Bio系統是專為複合物樣品特性所打造,能夠針對現今熱門生物治療藥物進行特性分析、監控以及品質管控。
ALLIANCE HPLC 系統 20 年來,實驗室一直仰賴 HPLC 系統,作為其科學作業的關鍵部分。 已安裝超過 70,000 個系統,Alliance HPLC 持續在科學發現與品質保證上,支援世界各地的科學家
ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System with 2D Technology For protein identifications, quantification, and sequence coverage, 2D technology employs reversed-phase chromatography at pH 10 in the first dimension, followed by reversed-phase chromatography at pH 2 in the second dimension.
ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System with HDX Technology The ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System w/Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange (HDX) Technology and high-resolution MS identifies changes in protein conformation with confidence by stringently controlling temperature sensitive parts of the HDX sample work up.
ACQUITY UPLC Systems with 2D LC Technology ACQUITY UPLC Systems with 2D LC/multidimensional LC provide resolution, sensitivity, and productivity for multidimensional applications that is simple to use, easy to implement, and compatible with a wide range of chemistries.
Open Architecture UPLC(開放式架構UPLC) Waters Open Architecture UPLC®系統實現研發實驗室的研究人員在僅微調現在作業流程的情況下, 將ACQUITY UPLC提供的解決方案及成果分享給LC和LC/MS系統。
ACQUITY UPLC 系統 ACQUITY UPLC 系統以 sub-2-µm 顆粒大小技術實現更高的層析分析精度與靈敏度,以及更高的產量。此為具備二元溶劑管理功能的原始 UPLC 系統。
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