


合相層析 合相層析是分離科學的一個全新類別,拓展液相和氣相層析分離技術的使用範圍。
ACQUITY APC 超效能高分子層析系統 Waters ACQUITY APC 超效能高分子層析系統是基於分子篩選層析(Size-exclusion Chromatography)分離基本原理的突破性技術產品,以前所未有的分析速度為您提供更詳盡的高分子材料資訊。
UPLC/UHPLC 層析科學中最高效能的展現。
HPLC ACQUITY 極致效能液相層析儀(UPLC) 採用sub-2 µm微粒科技,提供更高的解析度、靈敏度及產能。Alliance HPLC系統為標準工業高效能液相層析(HPLC)平台,可靠,功能多,提供彈性系統組態及可擴充的化學性能,滿足您的分析需求。
LC/MS/MS Waters 的LC/MS/MS 儀器產品線包含兩種不同類型:分別為串聯四極式質譜(Tandem Quadrupole)及四極棒-飛行時間(Q-TOF)產品系列,各有其特有的分析能力優勢及適用範圍。
Purification/SFC/SFE Systems From HPLC to the newest Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) innovations, Waters purification systems are designed to grow and adapt to your needs.
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) systems provide an environmentally-friendly approach to analytical and purification applications.
Supercritical Fluid Systems Waters' Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) systems extract chemical compounds using supercritical fluid instead of an organic solvent. The result is an extract with little or no residual solvent, superior purity and yield, and lower operating costs.
ACQUITY Arc Systems The ACQUITY Arc System is a quaternary-based, modern LC system for scientists working with established methods who are looking for the versatility and robustness to bridge the gap between HPLC and UPLC while continuing to support validated assays.
分析級LC產品組合 哪一種四元溶劑LC最適合您的實驗室?
層析系統 沃特斯提供您量身訂做的層析系統解決方案。
LC Purification Purification solutions offer scalable configurations, from semi-automated modular systems to fully automated MS-directed systems, whether you want the specificity of mass-directed purification or inclusiveness of a UV system.
Nano to Microscale Based UPLC Technologies Nanoflow & microflow based liquid chromatography (UPLC) techniques yield higher sensitivity and chromatographic resolution, for quantification and qualitative analyses, by using smaller ID columns packed with sub-2-micron particles and lower flow rates.
There are 1100 Reasons to Step Up to Waters Agilent 1100 Series LC System support is ending. 1100 reasons to update your system to Waters' ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System.
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