Health Sciences

From biomarker discovery research, phenomics, and translational research through to clinical diagnostic solutions, at Waters, we strive to improve human health by partnering with the biomedical community to help make breakthrough scientific discoveries and translate them into healthcare solutions.

We provide researchers of complex diseases with unparalleled analytical tools to help make breakthrough discoveries – as well as the tools required to translate these discoveries into improved diagnostics.

Omics Research and Biomarker Discovery See our purposefully designed solutions for top-down or bottom-up analyses; targeted or untargeted studies; structural work to identify and confirm metabolites; or spatial localization of metabolites in biological tissues.
生物指標轉譯與臨床研究 將科學研究轉譯為有用的診斷測試,是一趟漫長且複雜的旅程。Waters 健康科學具有獨一無二的優勢,可幫助生物指標從發現到確效的每個環節皆順利轉譯。
臨床診斷 集液相層析、質譜、軟體和技術支援,各項服務於一體的Waters MassTrak™臨床解決方案現已得到進一步擴充。近期新推出用於定量分析的全血樣品中MassTrak™的試劑盒可為臨床MassTrak™治療管理提供幫助。
LC-MS/MS In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Waters manufactures and supports an expanding portfolio of medical devices for in vitro diagnostic use that are designed to offer clinical laboratories access to the benefits of LC and MS technologies.
Forensic Toxicology Solutions Waters UPLC-MS systems provides high quality information for the analysis of prohibited substances, monitor illicit drug use, or new psychoactive substances (NPS).
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