Glycan Profiling Solutions

Glycoprotein Profiling of Intact Proteins A rapid workflow that shows the profile of the intact protein's glycoform.
Middle-up/Middle-down Protein Subunit Analysis A fast workflow that separates the protein's heavy and light chains, or uses IdeS digestion, to see post-translational modifications of the glycoprotein such as oxidation.
Glycopeptide Mapping In glycopeptide mapping workflow, UPLC HILIC/TUV/MS preserves information about glycan heterogeneity and site occupancy.
醣基分析 UPLC 醣基分析解決方案針對醣基蛋白其醣基之定性與定量分析提供最佳化的解析度、靈敏度、及速度。
Monosaccharide Composition Analysis Monosaccharide profiling is commonly used as an orthogonal technique to released glycan analysis for confirming glycan composition.



GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit

What if you could complete N-glycan sample prep in just 30 minutes?
Introducing GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit

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