Identifying unknown compounds in food contact materials is usually a challenging process. The UNIFI Scientific Information System simplifies the process by providing customizable workflows and achieving data containing accurate mass precursor and fragment ions information acquired by the MSE functionality.
EI-MS and APGC-QTof MS systems have been proven to be complementary when the compounds of interest are described in commercially available libraries, whereas APGC-QTof MS is particularly advantageous when the elucidation is required for volatile and semi-volatile components not listed in the libraries, or for those at trace or ultra-trace levels. APGC-Xevo G2-XS QTof with UNIFI can determine possible erroneous identifications and also facilitate component identification for peaks that are not detected using an EI quadrupole MS system.
Finally, UNIFI componentization eases the burden of data interpretation for the analyst, reducing potential false-positive assignments, and allowing results to be presented clearly and concisely.
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720006198en | 909.91kB |