Analytical sensitivity, accuracy, and precision for measuring steroid hormones
Steroid hormones encompass a large class of small molecules that play a central role in metabolic processes, such as regulation of sexual characteristics, blood pressure, and inflammation. Enzymes that form part of the steroid biosynthestic pathway are pivotal in these metabolic processes and their dysfunction can be examined through measurement of steroid hormones in the pathway.
Measurement of these steroids by immunoassay can be prone to analytical interference as a result of cross reactivity of reagent antibodies with structurally related steroid hormones and synthetic derivatives. The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS System used with the Xevo TQ-S micro Mass Spectrometer can provide analytically sensitive, accurate, and precise measurement of these steroid hormones for clinical research.
For sample preparation, we also recommend Oasis PRiME HLB µElution plates. Oasis PRiME HLB sorbent is designed to simplify solid-phase extraction (SPE) by taking advantage of the desirable water-wettable and retention characteristics of Oasis HLB while providing cleaner samples in a streamlined workflow.