Multi-threaded Data Processing
The MaxEnt™ algorithms available with ProteinLynx Global SERVER™ (PLGS) maximize sensitivity and information content from your raw data by collapsing multiple isotopes and charge-states into monoisotopic peptide peaks.
Quantifying Proteins and Peptides for Biomarker Discovery
LC/MS quantification with protein or peptide labeling using the Waters Protein Expression System is ideal for large-scale studies requiring high reproducibility and accuracy. Simultaneous LC/MSE data acquisition also provides identification of parent proteins with 100 percent peptide detection efficiency.
Identifying Proteins and Modifications (Multi-threaded)
Integrated ProteinLynx™ and MASCOT® database searching is the method of choice to maximize number and confidence of protein identifications with exact mass MS and MS/MS data from Waters time-of-flight mass spectrometers. Waters’ AutoMod algorithm provides a rapid screening to maximize the coverage of identified dB proteins. AutoMod is integrated with both PLGS and MASCOT dB searching capability.
De novo Sequencing and Homology Searching (Multi-threaded)
To characterize and identify peptides not represented within protein databanks, the MassSeq™ routine takes advantage of the specificity afforded by exact mass MS/MS data to generate the most probable de novo peptide sequences.
The hierarchical workflow manager set-up allows you to chain together multiple algorithms to provide complete analysis through data processing, databank searching, modification analysis, de novo sequencing, BLAST homology searching and results reporting.
Project Management and Data Interchange
PLGS includes project management structure with full support for MALDI TOF MS, MALDI TOF PSD, MALDI/MS/MS, ESI/MS and ESI/MS/MS data, from 2D PAGE, 1DLC or 2DLC workflows.
Database management manages your in-house databases and automatically uploads new versions from the web or in-house servers.
Pluggable architecture and multiple file formats (XML, mzData, pkl, txt etc) enable integration with other software packages or a LIMS, so your results can be linked with orthogonal experimental data. All tools, samples, data and results are accessible thorough a single, integrated browser.
MASCOT is a trademark of Matrix Science.