MassPREP™ on-line desalting cartridges are an effective tool for desalting acidic, basic, and large globular proteins.
The MassPREP desalting strategy provides an easy, fast (less than 3 minutes), and reproducible approach for the effective desalting of proteins stored in physiological salt buffers prior to high resolution ESI-MS structural analysis.
- Effectively desalts proteins yielding improved ESI-MS results
- Fast on-line method for high-throughput applications
- Excellent protein recoveries and no detectable carryover
- More than 100 injections from a single cartridge
MassPREP Micro Desalting Cartridges
MassPREP micro desalting cartiridges contains a polymer-based, reversed-phase packing material for desalting protein samples prior to mass spectrometry. The phenyl-phase material in these on-line devices successfully retains proteins, allowing the salts to be washed to waste prior to elution of the desalted protein into the mass spectrometer. With an optimized LC/MS method, you may have cycle times as low as 4 minutes.