Improved recovery and sensitivity at high and low sample concentrations
Biomolecule sample losses are a problem at low concentrations. However, non-specific binding and ionic interactions can also cause losses at higher concentrations.
When comparing the sensitivity of glucagon at 1 ng/mL stored in a QuanRecovery Plate versus standard polypropylene, better sensitivity (11x) is observed with the QuanRecovery Plate. Additionally, we performed the same container comparison with insulin at a much higher concentration (100 ng/mL), and even at this higher concentration, we observe that the sensitivity is higher (2x) in the QuanRecovery Plate versus standard polypropylene.
This means that sensitivity, recovery, and repeatability can be affected at higher concentrations as well as lower concentrations.
QuanRecovery Vials and Plates with MaxPeak HPS protect your sample, ensuring improved analytical results.