High Pressure Pumps
Waters' high pressure pumps (P–Series) are ideal for high pressure, supercritical CO2 and pulseless flow applications. Waters offers three standard high pressure pumps
with flow rates ranging from 50 g/min, 200 g/min, and 350 g/min. The pumps can be used in combination with other high pressure components. A unique grooved path is machined
inside each pump head assembly for coolant circulation, which increases compression efficiency per piston stroke by removing the generated heat. The ability to control pressure or
flow is enhanced by a rear–mounted brushless variable-speed high-torque motor. The high pressure pumps can be controlled using a hand–held display (included) or PC via the
built–in RS232C interface.
High Pressure Pumps Features:
- Dual sapphire pistons minimize pressure pulses
- Wide flow rate capability
- Contact closure and RS232 capability
- Low dead volume pump heads
- Built–in pressure sensor, gauge, rupture disc
- Complete out-of-the-box solution requires no air
High pressure CO2 pumps
Known for quality, Waters’ dual-piston CO2 pumps are used by academic and corporate research scientists in over 40 countries. These pulseless flow pumps require no air, operate quietly, and can be used in a pressure-control or flow-control mode. Saftey features include mechanical and electrical ovepressure protection.