Endless possibilities. Limitless research.
Developed through focused collaboration, the SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS combines novel cyclic ion mobility separation with state-of-the-art, high performance, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, enabling leading researchers to unlock the potential in scientific discovery.
The SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS enables selection of ions by both mass and mobility, a unique functionality of Cyclic Ion Mobility (cIM) that provides unparalleled flexibility and capabilities for research studies in both academia and industry. With ion mobility and mass spectrometry, you can separate by shape as well as m/z for separation of isomers, measure the Collisional Cross Section (CCS) of an ion, and achieve significantly cleaner mass spectral data.
- Combine cyclic ion mobility (cIM) separation with ToF mass spectrometry
- Separate more than ever before with ultimate ion mobility resolution for complete confidence
- Perform unique IMSn experiments for increased selectivity and advanced characterization
- Enable pre-mobility mass selection and mobility selection of precursor and product ions
- Achieve increased experimental flexibility for solving complex problems with three distinct fragmentation regions
Recommended Use: For identifying and rapidly monitoring co-eluting, isomeric metabolites in chemical reactions
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Discover more with ultimate ion mobility resolution
The instrument design and control software enable a range of experiments, including acquisition of Tof data, Single pass ion mobility, and the ability to scale mobility resolution to match the complexity of a sample. Ion mobility resolution increases with the length of the mobility device and therefore with the number of passes.
Unlock the potential in scientific discovery
The unique instrument design of the SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS facilitates advanced ion mobility experiments like IMSn isolation. IMSn isolation extends the resolution of a specific mobility range, e.g., ions of a specific species. Eject ions (without acquisition) outside of the desired mobility range, leaving the remaining species in the cIM to continue the separation process. This “trimming” approach can be undertaken numerous times and can be used, for example, to increase specificity of the selected ions or to prevent “wrap-around” in the cIM where high mobility ions catch up with low mobility ions in multi-pass experiments. Multiple cyclic sequences of different numbers of passes can be defined in one, multi-pass LC-MS method, increasing productivity by reducing the need for multiple injections of the same sample,
Undertake advanced structural characterization
IMSn activation is ideal for advanced structural characterization. During mobility separation, excise a segment of the mobility separated species and send the ions to the pre array storage device. Unwanted ions are ejected, and the stored ions are then re-injected into the array under collision induced activation/dis-sociation conditions, as required, and subsequent mobility separation performed. The product ions can then be sent to the Tof for detection or can undergo further rounds of mobility selection providing the unique IMSn capability.
Imaging mass spectrometry with DESI XS and Cyclic IMS
The unique combination of DESI XS with SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS provides ultimate levels of specificity for MS imaging approaches. DESI XS produces a visual map of the spatial distribution of a wide range of analytes, for example small molecule drugs, metabolites, and lipids across the surface of a tissue sample, and the unique capabilities and modes of acquisition of Cyclic IMS enable comprehensive in-depth experiments to be performed.
Increased sensitivity provides confidence in what you find
To complement the novel Cyclic Ion Mobility capability and for complete confidence in your data, the SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS is equipped with the latest ToF technology. The XS transfer device maintains the fidelity of the ion mobility separation while simultaneously conditioning the ion beam for the absolute best time-of-flight performance. The new offset oa-Tof with dual gain detection system provides improved sensitivity, resolution >100,000 (FWHM), reliable accurate exact mass measurements (low ppm), and improved dynamic range.
- Protomer Formation Can Aid the Structural Identification of Caffeine Metabolites
- Advancing Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Methods for Studying Biomolecules: Toward the Conformational Dynamics of Mega Dalton Protein Aggregates
- Elucidating the Oligomerization and Cellular Interactions of a Trimer Derived from Aβ through Fluorescence and Mass Spectrometric Studies
- Exploring Gas-Phase MS Methodologies for Structural Elucidation of Branched N-Glycan Isomers
- Gas Chromatography-(Cyclic) Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: A Novel Platform for the Discovery of Unknown Per-/Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
- Isomer and Conformer-Specific Mass Distribution-Based Isotopic Shifts in High-Resolution Cyclic Ion Mobility Separations
- Structural Studies of a Stapled Peptide with Native Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Transition Metal Ion Förster Resonance Energy Transfer in the Gas Phase
- Unwrapping Wrap-around in Gas (or Liquid) Chromatographic Cyclic Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry
- Exploiting Self-Association to Evaluate Enantiomeric Composition by Cyclic Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry
- Evaluating the Utility of Temporal Compression in High-Resolution Traveling Wave-Based Cyclic Ion Mobility Separations
- Evaluating the Utility of Temporal Compression in High-Resolution Traveling Wave-Based Cyclic Ion Mobility Separations
- Toward Rapid Aspartic Acid Isomer Localization in Therapeutic Peptides Using Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry
- Combination of IM-Based Approaches to Unravel the Coexistence of Two Conformers on a Therapeutic Multispecific mAb
- Enhanced Top-Down Protein Characterization with Electron Capture Dissociation and Cyclic Ion Mobility Spectrometry
- Experimental Measurements of Relative Mobility Shifts Resulting from Isotopic Substitutions with High-Resolution Cyclic Ion Mobility Separations
- Resolving Heparan Sulfate Oligosaccharide Positional Isomers Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry
- Using a Cyclic Ion Mobility Spectrometer for Tandem Ion Mobility Experiments
- A Cyclic Ion Mobility – Mass Spectrometry System
- Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Distinguishes Anomers and Open-Ring Forms of Pentasaccharides
- Gas Phase Stability of Protein Ions in a Cyclic Ion Mobility Spectrometry Travelling Wave Device
- Investigations into the performance of travelling wave enabled conventional and cyclic ion mobility systems to characterise protomers of fluoroquinolone antibiotic residues