Chromatography Detectors

Chromatography Detectors

Waters UPLC/UHPLC, HPLC, and SFC optical detectors, including detectors for purification, and modular LC systems, provide additional analytical detail about your samples, fulfilling multiple detection strategy requirements.

Waters UPLC/UHPLC, HPLC, and SFC optical detectors, including detectors for purification, and modular LC systems, provide additional analytical detail about your samples, fulfilling multiple detection strategy requirements.
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Waters enables you to analyze a wide variety of compounds by offering a large portfolio of detection technologies for UPLC/UHPLC, HPLC, and SFC analysis. These detectors have several options, including flow cells and nebulizers, to match your separation scale, and help you to achieve the goals of your analysis.

Waters UPLC/UHPLC optical detectors are optimized for advanced UPLC/UHPLC analytical techniques, featuring low dispersion characteristics, simple operation, and high data acquisition rates – as well as cost-effective maintenance, support, and parts. Waters UPLC/UHPLC, HPLC, and SFC detection technologies are synonymous with sensitivity, stability, and usability, giving you all you need to tackle your laboratory’s liquid chromatography (LC) detection challenges.

UPLC/UHPLC Detectors

Achieve optimal UPLC evaporative light scattering detection performance and analyze more compounds in a single analytical run with the ACQUITY UPLC ELS Detector (ELSD).

Achieve faster separations without compromising data quality with the ACQUITY UPLC Refractive Index Detector, providing low-dispersion detection for UPLC and/or APC analysis of analytes.

Achieve sensitive, selective detection for UPLC-based applications with ACQUITY UPLC and ACQUITY Premier FLR Detectors.

Detect and quantify lower concentrations of sample analytes and compare spectral profiles across wavelengths and broad concentration ranges with the ACQUITY UPLC PDA Detector.

Quantitate compounds with visible wavelengths up to 800 nm and achieve higher sensitivity levels with ACQUITY UPLC & ACQUITY Premier PDA eLambda Detectors.

Optimize linearity, resolution and sensitivity ACQUITY Premier and ACQUITY UPLC Tunable UV Detectors, dual-wavelength ultraviolet/visible detectors for use with UPLC/UHPLC separations.

HPLC Detectors

Achieve exceptional sensitivity and stability for single-column or suppressor-based ion chromatography with Waters 2432 Conductivity Detector, designed for use with HPLC systems.

The 2489 UV/Visible Detector is a versatile, dual-wavelength absorbance detector that offers simplicity for HPLC and UHPLC applications, as well as high sensitivity for low-level impurity analysis.

Designed to complement LC and LC-MS systems and improve spectral sensitivity, the 2998 Photodiode Array Detector is here to provide spectral conformation to your absorbance detection methods.

Increase peak detection confidence with the 2424 Evaporative Light Scattering (ELS) Detector, a complementary detection technique for semi- and non-volatile compounds with little or no UV absorbance.

Achieve high sensitivity, stability, and reproducibility with the 2414 Refractive Index (RI) Detector, ideal for isocratic analysis of components with limited or no UV absorption.

Deliver unsurpassed sensitivity and selectivity for quantifying low concentrations of fluorescent target compounds with the 2475 Fluorescence (FLR) Detector, whether naturally fluorescent or derivatized with a fluorescent tag.

The 3465 Electrochemical Detector provides highly selective, sensitive analysis for a variety of compounds, including catecholamines, aminoglycosides, carbohydrates, neurotransmitters, phenols, and thiols.

Light Scattering Detectors

The Multi-Angle Light Scattering (MALS) Detector is for molar mass and size quantification of biologics, nanoparticles, and polymers. It can be used with HPLC, UPLC, or Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF).

Mass Detectors

Enhance the analytical value and productivity of each analysis with the confidence gained from mass detection when you equip your lab with the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed volutpat diam mi, at tincidunt risus tristique quis. Suspendisse malesuada in dui eu convallis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed volutpat diam mi, at tincidunt risus tristique quis. Suspendisse malesuada in dui eu convallis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed volutpat diam mi, at tincidunt risus tristique quis. Suspendisse malesuada in dui eu convallis.
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