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Addressing the Mystery of Sample Loss

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many years ago, I was hired by a biopharma company to develop analytical methods for therapeutic oligonucleotides. When a new colleague warned me about sample loss on LC columns I looked at him with skepticism. “Yes,” he insisted, “part of your DNA sample may be irreversibly bound to the column and you will never see...

Five Questions with Waters’ New President and CEO, Udit Batra

Reading Time: 4 minutes

On September 1, 2020, Udit Batra became Waters’ President and CEO. Udit brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Waters, having previously held executive positions at Novartis and Merck KGaA. Most recently, he served as the CEO of MilliporeSigma, the life science tools business at Merck KGaA. We caught up with Udit during this...

Bringing the Future Into Focus with Waters’ Virtual Events

Reading Time: 7 minutes

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic the power of technology has emerged center stage, keeping the industry connected at a time when many ordinary avenues of communication have been cut off over safety concerns. In order to drive forward the next generation of technological and research innovations, we understand how vital it is that...

Understanding Sample Complexity: Determining Matrix Effects in Complex Food Samples

Reading Time: 7 minutes

While the hyphenation of chromatographic and mass spectrometry technologies has revolutionized food contaminant testing laboratories, one major drawback is the potential for the phenomenon of matrix effects.  Due to unwanted interactions between the analytes and sample matrix, the analyte’s response may be reduced or amplified.  The influence of matrix on the reliability of your method...