

People make mistakes, we all know that. I know that from personal experience. I started my career as a young chemistry graduate, working in a QC lab. Along with many others using LCs, I was working difficult shift patterns and saw all too often the errors that today account for approximately 40% of quality incidents and related problems within the pharmaceutical industry. I have seen, first-hand, the impact of human error in the lab, and this is why the many conversations I’ve had with our customers and partners subsequently have resonated both personally and professionally. This is why I believe our new Alliance™ iS HPLC System really will resonate with you. 


我不打算走 "人非圣贤孰能无过 "的哲学路线,因为我清楚地意识到,人为错误并不是QC实验室面临的唯一压力。我可以举出的例子有:对少花钱多办事的无情要求、持续且越来越高的员工流失率、以及日益增长的样品复杂性等。因此,在沃特世公司,我们挑战自己,仔细研究HPLC如何能减轻这些日常客户的头痛问题。我们花了很多年的时间与来自QC实验室的客户合作,很快,我们了解到HPLC对简单性的需求是最重要的。


Waters is dedicated to solving problems that matter, so we took on the issue of making QC measurements with HPLC a simpler matter. And we believe we have created the most intuitively simple HPLC we have ever made. The new Alliance iS HPLC System is the first-ever system dedicated to the specific needs of the QC lab, and it will save our customers time, money, and stress.  It’s like having someone alongside them – an ally, really – that understands what they are about to do and is there to help carry out the task.  This new “lab ally” is designed to work with Empower™ Software and eConnect™ Column Tracking Technology, unlocking unique features and functionality that eliminate the need to choose between simplicity, efficiency, and quality. Our customers should not have to resign themselves to the status quo. Making HPLC measurements should not be the most difficult part of their day. A conversation with one customer really brought this home to me.




这是一篇博文,不是一本小册子,但请允许我借用我们营销团队的几句话:Alliance iS系统是一个节省时间、减少错误、诱发微笑、改变游戏规则的动力源。我真的认为它是。而我们从测试版客户那里听到的反馈也证明了这一点。


Our customers are facing a perfect storm of issues that call for change. And as necessity is the mother of invention, we designed the Alliance iS HPLC System. We couldn’t be more excited about the benefits the Alliance iS HPLC System offers to innovative, technology-leading QA/QC labs.


