TargetLynx Update: Stepping Up Your Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Software

mycotoxin testing

The SCN 997 update for MassLynx represents a powerful upgrade for users of the Waters’ Mass Spectrometry software, boasting 12 enhancements, 24 bug fixes, and 7 performance and 11 usability improvements.

The update focuses on enhancing TargetLynx, MassLynx’s high-throughput quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) application manager that automates data acquisition, processing, and reporting.

Commercial laboratories today are expected to process more samples than ever to meet regulatory compliance expectations and this software update alleviates many of these pressures, increasing the ease of use and functionality of your equipment.

Mass spectrometry software to enhance your analysis

Today’s quantitative analysis laboratories are facing a rising number of increasingly complicated analytical challenges.

As MS has become a more powerful tool for quantitative analysis, the community at large has come to treat it as the ‘gold standard’ for regulatory compliance across a wide range of industries, from food standards to pharmaceuticals to environmental sciences.

As this reliance has intensified, labs are being faced with more complex analytical challenges, including a higher variety of matrices and the need for large-scale multiresidue analyte panels. These pressures are compounded by higher expectations surrounding both the number of samples reported and the time in which they are processed.

To help you meet these growing demands, the latest TargetLynx update delivers more functionality, simplifies the data review process, and includes several additions that provide more ways to analyze data.

Streamlining the quantitative MS workflow

At Waters, we understand that the ability for labs to process more samples is fundamental to their success. By streamlining your workflow, TargetLynx helps ensure cost-effective compliance, delivering high-throughput analyses alongside data quality. This is achieved through the addition of a number of features, including:

  • Summary table flagging: providing bold, viewable, and exportable visualization of sample sets falling outside user-defined tolerances, while intuitively exempting blanks solvent injections.
  • Over curve flagging: explicitly marking samples that are at a concentration above the calibration range, allowing you to dilute the sample or correct the calibration error swiftly.
  • Expansion of manual integration handles from 4 to 8 pixels: improving ease-of-use for manual integrations, making for easier analysis and quicker turnaround.

In addition, the summary table flagging highlights the cell of interest in red, alongside text that points out why it has been flagged, allowing you to identify problem areas more quickly within your analyses.

The over curve flagging feature exists as an extension of current flagging, marking the high concentration samples as “bbIO”, referring to it being ‘over’, to differentiate it from conventional “bbi” flagging, which refers more generally to ‘indeterminate’ analytes.

mass spectrometry software bbi flagging
SCN997 Over Curve Flag

By speeding up workflows and shortening laboratory turnaround times, you will be able to overcome many of the challenges faced by laboratories performing quantitative analyses. Streamlining the workflow by helping users spot errors, review data, and quickly access features, all contribute to higher throughput and a more effective lab.

Do more with the latest MS software

Not only does this software quicken your workflow but it also gives you access to greater functionality to help you get the most out of your data. This lets you have confidence in your results and can heighten your lab’s data quality potential.

Granting access to additional (up to 50) individual concentration columns.

The ability to define up to 50 individual concentration columns is particularly vital when multi-level calibrators with value-assigned concentrations are required for accurate quantification. This feature broadens your choice of calibrator and gives you confidence in data accuracy.

A new summed peaks feature

A new summed peaks feature lets you set retention time start and end points for analyte peak integrations, which is useful for:

    • Analytes where reproducible separations are rare, or retention times are inconsistent.
    • Estimating the concentrations of individual isomers in standards of unknown isomeric ratios.
    • The integration of non-Gaussian peaks or other untypical peak shapes.

The ability to set your confirmatory ion peak thresholding levels to be relative to the quantitative ion peak

Proportional ion peak thresholding is particularly relevant when large intensity differences exist between your thresholding peak and your sample peaks. This prevents you from inadvertently excluding the confirmatory ion peak, saving your lab valuable time.

You can confirm your test results more easily than ever with this enhanced functionality. Additionally, by leveraging this improved data quality and simpler analysis process, you will save valuable time during data review.

MS software developed with the users in mind

TargetLynx was developed with you, the users of quantitative MS equipment, in mind. That’s why the software updates that come with it are based on user input. By proactively listening to current users’ needs, we work hard to ensure our instruments’ capabilities are in pace with the industry and that our software is meeting the demands of today’s laboratories.

This latest update is no different, with many of the enhancements coming as a response to user input. Therefore, you can be assured that TargetLynx continues to deliver on the promise to meet the modern-day pressures of the lab, granting you greater flexibility and quickening your analysis processes.

The software update is currently available for both acquisition and processing on the Xevo TQ-S. The update is also available for processing only on the Xevo TQ-XS, Xevo TQ-S micro, Xevo TQ-S cronos, and the Xevo TQD, and work is ongoing to make acquisition available for these instruments as soon as possible.

Helping you get the most out of our instruments

 The many improvements brought about by the TargetLynx update will help you speed up the data review process, simplify your analyses and allow you to do more with the data you have, helping you and your lab to deliver better results.

Learn more about MassLynx mass spectrometry software and how it can enhance your data acquisition