Infographic: What’s the Best Column for Polar Compound Retention?

T3 for polar compound retention

How to choose the best stationary phase for polar compounds

Retaining and separating highly polar, water-soluble organic compounds has historically been a challenge for separation scientists who prefer reversed-phase chromatography as their technique of choice. There are many reasons why a conventional RP columns are not ideal for polar compound retention. However, let’s not dwell on the problems of the past; the development of T3 bonded particles have changed that!

T3 Particle Technology was developed using optimized C18 ligands and proprietary end-capping to create the ideal column characteristics for polar compound retention.


Available in three stationary phases based on unique particle substrates, CORTECS Solid-Core T3, ACQUITY UPLC/XSelect HPLC HSS T3, and Atlantis silica T3 columns provide enhanced polar compound retention and longer column lifetimes in reversed-phase separations.  

Our infographic can help you choose the best stationary phase to master your polar compound retention work.

T3 Particle Technology for polar compound retention


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