Separations Science Guiding Disease Research at Colorado State University

Separations Science Guiding Disease Research at Colorado State University

As infectious diseases go, tuberculosis (TB) is clearly one of the worst. Easily spread through the air by those with an active infection, it is a scourge that is decimating developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, in 2014, 9.6 million people fell ill with the disease and 1.5 million died, with 95%…

When Consumables Kits are Greater Than the Sum of their Parts

When Consumables Kits are Greater Than the Sum of their Parts

ProteinWorks and GlycoWorks kits address more than sample prep challenges One of the most challenging parts of an LC-MS workflow happens before analytical chemists even turn to their instrument: Sample preparation. Get it right, and the analytical run performs as expected. Get it wrong, and the assay has any number of problems, from poor sensitivity…

Effective Use of the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector with Your LC:  A Q and A with Dr. Tom Wheat

Effective Use of the ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector with Your LC: A Q and A with Dr. Tom Wheat

  I recently presented a webinar describing some techniques and tools used for effectively using the QDa Mass Detector with liquid chromatography systems. Several attendees submitted questions that may be of general interest to a broader audience. It is better, as you said, to use negative mode for acidic compounds (like carboxylic acid), but these…

Developing Separation Methods for Natural Products: Questions and Answers from a Webinar with Dr. Tom Wheat

Developing Separation Methods for Natural Products: Questions and Answers from a Webinar with Dr. Tom Wheat

The development of chromatographic methods for natural products is challenging due to the complexity of the sample matrix and analyte chemistry. However, by understanding the fundamental parameters of your chromatography and strategies for efficient detection, there are many ways to overcome these difficulties. I recently presented a webinar describing some techniques and tools used for…

Is Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Child’s Play?

Is Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Child’s Play?

On Wednesday evening after dinner and my usual digestif, I was watching the webcast “Making Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Routine” when my son walked by. “Wow dad, that’s kind of cool! What the heck is it?” he asked. “It’s ion mobility!! It’s an orthogonal and complementary resource for chromatography and mass spectrometry…” The digestif was…

Multiple Attribute Monitoring of Biopharmaceuticals Using Mass Detection

Multiple Attribute Monitoring of Biopharmaceuticals Using Mass Detection

Multiple attribute monitoring has become a hot topic of discussion within biopharmaceutical organizations as the methodology allows detection and measurement of more critical quality attributes than conventional methods. Waters recently sponsored an outstanding webinar on this topic, hosted by Genetic Engineering News and presented by our own Biopharmaceutical Senior Manager, Sean M. McCarthy, Ph.D. Watch…

Characterizing Extractables from Packaging Materials

Characterizing Extractables from Packaging Materials

Characterization of packaging in various industries has become more important due to ever-increasing global regulations. The first regulations for plastics used in food packaging and contact materials were established in 1982 in Europe1, which have been expanded in recent years.2 In the pharmaceutical field the need for extractables testing was recognized in the 1990s.3 Manufacturers…

Have we bridged the gap between qual and quan using HRMS?

Have we bridged the gap between qual and quan using HRMS?

Increasing Size, Complexity and Potency: The Bioanalytical Challenge of the Next Decade, was the theme for the 3-day APA India held in Mumbai, India from February 23-25, 2015. Close to 300 attendees gathered to discuss current trends and to offer strategies for overcoming these challenges moving forward. The second session of the morning was Bioanalysis:…

Chapter and Verse: USP 621 and You

Chapter and Verse: USP 621 and You

In August 2014, the United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary (USP-NF) put into effect new guidelines to “allowable adjustments” in its Chapter <621> (USP37-NF32 S1). And as of August 1, 2016 when USP 39 NF 34 S1 goes into effect, for <621> nothing significant has changed since. The USP doesn’t publicize changes to their…