Collaborating with MilliporeSigma to incorporate CCS values

Collaborating with MilliporeSigma to incorporate CCS values

Accurate screening for extractables and leachables (E&Ls) is imperative for consumer safety, no matter the product. Be it a pharmaceutical, an item of food packaging, or a medical device, consumers place their trust in manufacturers to protect them from the thousands of potentially harmful chemicals that can leach into their products.

Waters and the University of Tokyo Collaborate on Lipidomics Research

Waters and the University of Tokyo Collaborate on Lipidomics Research

Digging deep into the human biome, Professor Yoshiya Oda of the Graduate School of Medicine at the University of Tokyo looks to ion mobility technology to uncover deposits of insight It’s an established fact that the more people age, the more they tend to engage with health care providers than they did when they were…

Why does biomedical research matter?

Why does biomedical research matter?

Summer break is coming to a close and the thought of fall quickly approaching hangs heavy in the air. The mornings are cool and pleasant, perfect for sleeping. And, here I am, sipping coffee at 5:30AM. Why is it that on mornings like this, when most of the world is asleep, so many biomedical researchers are…

The Importance of Newborn Screening: A Mother’s Perspective

The Importance of Newborn Screening: A Mother’s Perspective

After completing my undergraduate degree, I began work at the New England Newborn Screening Program (NENBS) in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. It wasn’t long before I realized the magnitude of the job I held in serving the public and my role in the life-saving tests that the program performed. The NENBS program consists of five testing…

APHL 2019: Strong foundations lead to new heights

APHL 2019: Strong foundations lead to new heights

It was to be my third outing to the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Newborn Screening and Genetic Testing Symposium (NBSGTS), this being the 27th meeting of its kind, bringing some 500 members of the screening and genetics community to the jewel of Lake Michigan, The Windy City, The City With Big Shoulders, Chi-Town:…

Second Tier Newborn Screening Tests – Improving the Specificity of One of the Greatest Public Health Achievements

Second Tier Newborn Screening Tests – Improving the Specificity of One of the Greatest Public Health Achievements

Newborn screening for inherited disorders has been heralded as one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the first decade of the 21st century.1 The ability to pre-symptomatically identify newborn babies at risk of developing endocrine, hematologic, and metabolic disorders has dramatically improved or saved thousands of lives (and saved the healthcare system millions…